Life with Lambs

A day in the life with the Lambs.

The basis of my blog is going to be around creating an environment where people can feel related to and also to keep up to date with fun things to do in my city or surrounding cities. I am big on having fun and enjoying life! Someone told me I should start a blog because I always know about fun things to do. I decided I would do just that, for a number of reasons.

One of those reasons being, I love to write. I have had an obsession with it ever since I learned how to read. Strange, I know.

Depression can be overwhelming and writing can be so good for a number of things. It is a way to get things off your chest and maybe even process and come to understand some things you are going through that aren't making sense to you. Or you are feeling like you are dealing with depression but you are just not sure what the heck it could be fed by?

I absolutely love love love that God doesn't tell us to have it all together when we come to Him. He simply says, come to Me, and I will put you back together. That is the gospel in a nutshell. 

He wants our dirty laundry. He wants our mess. He cares about us. He wants us to cast our cares and anxieties onto Him. I hate dealing with anxiety, so I can't even imagine how much someone has to love you to tell you, you can cast your worst fears and anxieties onto them. God is everything good in this world and the more I get to know Him the more I get to know grace, beauty, and truth. 

The road is long and we walk by faith, but thank God we don't have to do it alone.

We are getting ready to start up community groups again for this semester after being on a hiatus for summer that felt way way way too long. I lead a women's group and we are switching days from Monday which we met on last semester to Wednesdays. I am so excited to see who God brings into this group and I can't wait for all God is going to do in and through us ladies as we strap on and press into building relationship, getting out of our comfort zones, put ourselves out there, being known, and that is only the beginning.


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